Mile 2444.
Woke up to an only slightly wet tent, and only on the inside from condensation. In cool temperatures it is almost impossible to get away from condensation unless you could somehow manage to not breathe all night. So, pull out the tent and ground sheet during a beak when it is sunny and let the sun dry things out.
In my case the inner net portion of my tent detaches easily from the outer skin that gets wet. I keep them in separate stuff sacks so the bit that I live in always stays dry, even if I don't get a chance to dry the outer shell. And the wet stuff sack stays in the outside of my tent, away from things like my sleeping bag and sleeping clothes.
More up and down today, it's what we have to do when traveling through mountains.
Passed a trail crew working in the trail today. Thanked all of them for their hard work.
Had one slightly tricky stream crossing. I chose the wrong place to cross and ended up on a slippery rock and got my feet wet. Fortunately hiking makes for warm feet and my socks are only slightly damp this evening.
Camping tonight at about 5000 feet and it is noticeably cooler than last night down at 3000. Will probably have a frosty tent in the morning. Plus no big trees at this site, so the few will settle on the outside of the tent.
Woke up to an only slightly wet tent, and only on the inside from condensation. In cool temperatures it is almost impossible to get away from condensation unless you could somehow manage to not breathe all night. So, we pull out the tent and ground sheet during a beak when it is sunny and let the sun dry things out.
In my case the inner net portion of my tent detaches easily from the outer skin that gets wet. I keep them in separate stuff sacks so the bit that I live in always stays dry, even if I don't get a chance to dry the outer shell. And the wet stuff sack stays in the outside of my tent, away from things like my sleeping bag and sleeping clothes.
More up and down today, it's what we have to do when traveling through mountains.
Passed a trail crew working on the trail today. Thanked all of them for their hard work.
Had one slightly tricky stream crossing. I chose the wrong place to cross and ended up on a slippery rock and got my feet wet. Fortunately hiking makes for warm feet and my socks are only slightly damp this evening.
Camping tonight at about 5000 feet and it is noticeably cooler than last night down at 3000. Will probably have a frosty tent in the morning. Plus no big trees at this site, so the dew will settle on the outside of the tent.
Photos from today:
Mighty Mouse's blog for today:
Love the photos! Absolutely breathtaking scenery, a hard earned view of beauty.